-- Warckon gets shredded --

Stijn Daneels
After my interview with Mario “Grizzly” Pauwels last month I developed an appetite for interviewing bands. In particular after receiving the very positive feedback from both readers and the guys Ostrogoth from themselves. I had already planned to see Warckon in Deinze (4th of July 2015) and quickly contacted the band's frontman Wouter Langhendries, for an interview.

And he was more than willing to get himself shredded for your reading pleasure. What fun subjects did we talk about? The Big 4 of thrash metal, the changed artwork of Warckon's first album and the 4th of July!

BMS: So, Wouter, was this your first gig here in the Elpee?
Wouter: Yes, it was our first time playing here in the Elpee and we had a really great time. Plenty of people had shown up to see us and they were very vivid and enthusiastic. I remember being here in the Elpee last year for a concert of Sabbath Judas Sabbath and Sanity’s Rage.
BMS: Superb! I myself have frequently been visiting the Elpee since March this year, when Hirax performed here alongside other cool thrash metal bands (Desecrator, Piraña and Past the Fall). And since that night I saw some really awesome bands perform here. But let’s get back to Warckon. How did you get started?
Wouter: Whoa, tough question but ok. We started five years ago by discovering the several metal genres and finding out which subgenre we wanted to play. Pretty much the same way virtually every other band gets started.
BMS: Did you decide to play thrash metal right away or did you have other subgenres in consideration?
Wouter: I started playing guitar when I was fourteen years old, covering Nirvana songs. After that, I discovered Metallica and began playing their songs and eventually I encountered Megadeth. I truly love that band and they still are one of my biggest influences.
BMS: How did you actually come up with the name Warckon?
Wouter: You know, I get that particular question a lot but honestly, There's no real reason as to why we call ourselves Warckon. I thought it was pretty cool to play with the words war and convict or conviction. But the word Warckon on itself has virtually no significance. I think it’s just a cool sounding band name.

Warckon, from left to right Jonas Bergmans (guitar), Wouter Langhendries (vocals & guitar), Marijn Costermans (Bass), Marijn Langhendries (Drums),
BMS: I agree, it sounds great and it’s easy to remember. I read in an interview you did last March that you’re working on a new album. How’s the progress going?
Wouter: Slow but steady. We’re taking our time to let the material come to fruition, especially since we’ve already made two albums in four years time. You know, the biggest challenge when making new songs is that you don’t want to repeat yourself over and over again. On the other hand, however, you don’t want to change too many elements, since people expect certain things from your band in terms of style, pace and rhythm. So we’re now focusing on finding the right balance, but we’re very optimistic about how things will turn out.
BMS: That’s a great idea indeed, Wouter. But now for something else, what are your other activities aside from playing with Warckon?
Wouter: I also play guitar for the 80s style hard rock band Wildheart under the name Juice. In addition, I often play cover shows with different bands. I also repair guitars and enjoy watching movies, mainly comedies and I work full-time as a social worker.
BMS: What’s your personal favorite song to play with Warckon?
Wouter: I’d say that (My Very Own) Moriarty is currently my favorite song to play.
BMS: I see, one of my own current favorite Warckon songs is Lord of Lunacy. It was one of the first tracks I heard from your band and I found it so catchy that I was thrilled to seeing you guys perform here.
Wouter: Actually, Lord of Lunacy was the final track written for The Madman’s Lullaby and it acts as a bridge between this album and its successor, High Treason.

BMS: This is going to be a pretty unnecessary question, but do you have a band who you wish to tour along with? I’d guess, Megadeth.
Wouter: Yeah, definitely!
BMS: Now for something else, what countries would you like to visit and perform at?
Wouter: Honestly, I haven’t visited a lot of countries yet. But if I have to pick one, I would be the USA.
BMS: And it’s 4th of July today, so AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!
Wouter: Yeah (looks at watch), but it’s already past midnight.
BMS: Oh, damn. Anyway, I’d like to talk about the artwork of The Madman’s Lullaby, you changed the artwork completely after receiving feedback from fans. But were you pleased with the album’s original artwork?
Wouter: We were actually very satisfied with the original artwork. It was made by K.C. who was more than willing to create the artwork, but when our current record label, Emanes Metal Records, picked up the album they told us that if people would encounter the album in a record store, they would think that we were a black metal band. So we asked the label to have someone redo the artwork while maintaining that theme of madness. We received about two or three versions and after we did a few modifications, we ended up with the album’s current artwork.

The original artwork for The Madman's Lullaby.

The current artwork for the Madman's Lullaby.
BMS: I also saw the original artwork and I tend to agree with the label. It certainly isn’t an ugly cover, but I would associate it more with black rather than thrash. The second however, is better-looking and more suitable to your band. I love that hand-drawn sketchy style. I also really like the High Treason’s artwork, hence why I’m wearing a T-shirt with the cover on it.
Wouter: Yes, this was designed by Nico Cluckers, really cool guy, he plays guitar for the band Malism. The Gargoyle mascot actually came from him.
BMS: Is it easy for you guys to get together to rehearse?
Wouter: Well, we try to rehearse every week on Friday night.
BMS: Did you plan to play guitar and do vocals from the get-go, or was it in order to save yourself the trouble of finding a vocalist?
Wouter: Actually, it is. I think it originated from one of those classic singer VS guitarist clashes. When I founded Warckon, I decided to try doing vocals myself along with guitar playing and see how things would turn up. I also admit that I liked the idea of being frontman and you eventually grow into that role. It has become a sort of natural habitat, so I don’t think much about that. It’s all about fun, right?
BMS: And I must say that you’re doing a pretty good job at it. I also have a suggestion for your band. I really loved that Megadeth medley and your pitch-perfect cover of Metallica’s Creeping Death. Would you be interested in producing an album full with covers from the Big 4?
Wouter: That would be a pretty cool idea indeed. We’ll see what comes up.
BMS: Well, that’s pretty much all I wanted to ask. Do you have anything else to add for the people reading this?
Wouter: I’d say that if you’re in a band, just do what you want to. Don’t let other people decide what music to play and what not. Just go out and have a good time. Rock on!

Warckon - Dawn of the Era Gargoylaes & After the Noise